Water Leaders Launch New Center to Accelerate Action on Global Water and Sustainability Challenges

22.06.2022 -

Water sector leaders, including academia, technology providers, trade associations and NGOs, are partnering in a new consortium to accelerate solutions to the world’s critical water and sustainability challenges. The Reservoir Center for Water Solutions, located in Washington, DC, will serve as a global collaboration hub to advance breakthrough water solutions and innovations.

Egger Pumps for Europe’s Biggest Wastewater Project

31.05.2022 -

In the Ruhr Area between the cities of Dortmund and Dinslaken, parallel to the Emscher river, the new 51 km long Emscher sewer has been built to receive the wastewater of 2.26 million
residents and industry. As the largest water management construction project in Europe, the Emscher, formerly used as an open sewer, will in future be free of wastewater.